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Table 1 Participant demographics and anthropometric measures

From: Wrist-worn wearables based on force myography: on the significance of user anthropometry



Age (years)

39.50 (21.09)

Weight (kg)

78.06 (14.64)

Height (m)

1.70 (0.13)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

26.81 (4.25)

Wrist circumference (cm)

17.19 (1.68)

Forearm circumference (cm)

26.09 (3.24)

Forearm length (cm)

26.74 (1.99)

Skinfold thickness (cm)

0.93 (0.39)

Ratio: skinfold thickness to forearm circumference (unitless)

0.03 (0.02)

Ratio: wrist circumference to forearm circumference (unitless)

0.67 (0.07)

Maximum grip strength (kg)

21.32 (9.69)

  1. Values are presented as µ (\( \sigma \)2), where µ is the mean and \( \sigma \)2 is the standard deviation