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Table 2 The relevant parameters of conventional methods

From: Automatic diagnosis of imbalanced ophthalmic images using a cost-sensitive deep convolutional neural network


Features extraction methods [27, 29]

Data-level methods [18, 19, 22]

Random forest (RF): number of trees = 300

Support vector machine (SVM): linear kernel function

Color and texture features (COTX): gray tone spatial dependence matrices: d = 1; gray gradient co-occurrence matrices: Lg = 10

SMOTE and BorSMOTE: nearest neighbors k = 5, the ratio of positive and negative samples r = 1

Under-sampling: the ratio of positive and negative samples r = 1

Local binary pattern (LBP): P = 9

Wavelet transformation (WAVE): two level wavelet transformation, Haar wavelet

Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)