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Table 1 Listing of physical parameters. The table shows the physical parameters for native tissue and for coagulated-tissue, as well as for blood [25]. The small letters indicate the references where the material parameters are taken from: a) [20], b) [26], c) [27], d) [28], e) [29].

From: A finite element method model to simulate laser interstitial thermo therapy in anatomical inhomogeneous regions








Absorption coefficient, μ a (cm-1)

a) 0.23

a) 0.22

b) 0.44

Scattering coefficient, μ s ' (cm-1)

a) 1.3

a) 13

b) 2.78

Density, ρ (kg cm-3)

c), d) 1.04·10-3

d) 1.06·10-3

Specific heat capacity, c (J kg-1 °C-1)

d) 3.64·103

d) 3.89·103

Heat conductivity, k (W cm-1 °C-1)

c) 5.18·10-3

e) 5.4·10-3